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Writer's pictureBernadette Henry

The Top 5 Benefits of Doing A Weight-Loss Challenge (Plus One Life-Changing Bonus Tip!)

The Top 5 Benefits of Doing A Weight-Loss Challenge (Plus One Life-Changing Bonus Tip!)

If you’ve ever been on a weight-loss journey before, you know how difficult it is to get started, stay committed long enough to see results, and maintain your weight, once you reach your goal. It’s an uphill battle, to say the least, but with the right support, structure, leadership, community, and determination, you can do it!

This is where a weight-loss challenge comes in. Joining a weight-loss challenge provides you with many benefits that you simply won’t experience if you go on your journey alone. So let’s dive in to what those benefits actually are, and why a weight-loss challenge just might be the answer to your prayers.

The Top 5 Benefits of Doing A Weight-Loss Challenge (Plus One Life-Changing Bonus Tip!)

The Top 5 Benefits of Doing A Weight-Loss Challenge (Plus One Life-Changing Bonus Tip!)

The Top 5 Benefits of Doing A Weight-Loss Challenge (Plus One Life-Changing Bonus Tip!)

1) Support. Losing weight and improving your health and fitness level can be a daunting task. It is definitely not something you should undertake alone. On those days when you feel like giving up, feel like you can’t do it, and just don’t feel motivated, your support system is there to hold you up. It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we know that we are not alone, and we have people there to keep us encouraged, and remind us that we are more capable and more powerful than we realize. Have you ever been having a rough day, and a simple, kind word from a friend, or even a stranger, completely turned your mood around, and brightened your day? This is what your support system does for you, when you’re on a weightless or fitness challenge. If you want this type of support in your life, be sure to join my weight loss challenge here.

The Top 5 Benefits of Doing A Weight-Loss Challenge (Plus One Life-Changing Bonus Tip!)

2) Accountability. Let’s face it, the promises that we make to ourselves, are the promises we tend not to keep, especially if no one else knows about them. This is why accountability is so important! When you know that you have someone holding you accountable to your word, and to a goal that you have set out to accomplish, you will be a lot more motivated to follow through. When it comes to losing weight, and getting more fit, the follow through is everything!

The Top 5 Benefits of Doing A Weight-Loss Challenge (Plus One Life-Changing Bonus Tip!)

3) Structure. One of the most important aspects of your weight loss or fitness journey is your daily routine. What you do on the daily will make or break your success. When you participate in a fitness challenge, there are always systems in place to help you structure your day, your daily habits, your nutrition, and help keep you on track. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. You need a game plan for how you will structure your day-to-day life, to help you avoid making the mistakes that you’ve made in the past, and to also help you establish new habits. The structure provided to you through a fitness or weight loss challenge, does just that.

The Top 5 Benefits of Doing A Weight-Loss Challenge (Plus One Life-Changing Bonus Tip!)

4) Community. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” ~ Helen Keller I love this quote because it really captures the importance of community, for each and every one of us. As the saying goes, "there is power in numbers”. Why do it alone, when you can be a part of a positive, encouraging, and uplifting community? Losing weight is hard enough! You don’t need to go through your weight loss journey alone. When you hear about the stories, struggles, and challenges that other people are going through, it helps you to feel motivated, inspired, and like you’re not alone. This is crucial on those days when you feel like giving up, or feel like you’re never going to reach your health and fitness goals. Plus, knowing that you have a community of people to vent to, talk to, and share your wins with (no matter how small they may be), is very motivating.

The Top 5 Benefits of Doing A Weight-Loss Challenge (Plus One Life-Changing Bonus Tip!)

5) Leadership. No community can thrive without a strong and positive leader. When you join a fitness or weight loss challenge, you are immediately taken under the wing of the leader that is in place, and you automatically have someone to look out for your best interest. You have someone to look up to, someone to go to for personalized help and advice, and someone who probably knows a little more about how to have a successful weight loss journey than you do. The resources, knowledge, and guidance that you receive from a great leader, during a weight loss or fitness challenge, is invaluable. This is something that you can’t get from Google! That personal touch alone, from a leader that you respect and admire, is worth the cost of investing in a weight-loss or fitness challenge.

The Top 5 Benefits of Doing A Weight-Loss Challenge (Plus One Life-Changing Bonus Tip!)

One Life-Changing Bonus Tip:

Set a specific time-frame for your weight-loss challenge, so that you know when it begins, and when it ends. Sometimes, having the end date in mind, helps you to stay focused when you want to give up, because you know that you just need to make it to “xyz” date, then you’ll be done!

When you’re actively involved in a weight-loss challenge, with a fantastic leader, and an awesome community of people, you’re more likely to see amazing results, and reach your goals faster, the you would on your own.

So tell me, are you ready to join a weight loss challenge?

If you answered yes, this is your lucky day!

I recently started a 30-60-90-day Get Fit Fall Challenge, for busy working moms, who have fallen off the fitness wagon. This is your opportunity to start fresh, and get back on track!

I realize that 90 days may be a bit much for some of you, so you are free to participate for just 30 days, for 60 days, or for the whole 90 days of the challenge.

There is lots of support, and more in depth fitness, nutrition, and coaching for everyone who participates in my challenge! We will be working closely together, in a private Facebook group for this challenge.

Join My Weight Loss Challenge!

This Challenge Facebook group is interactive, uplifting, and a little bit more “intense” than my free Facebook group, for busy working moms.

Invite at least 3 friends to join you, and you can save money!

To participate in the challenge, you must be on a 30, 60, or 90-day commitment, with smart ship, with one of the following two combos:


M3 +Trim

Click below to join my weight loss challenge!

Have a question for me about the challenge? Post it in the comments below. I’m always happy to help you!

Join my Facebook Group for busy working moms trying to stay fit, physically, mentally, and emotionally, right here!

Check out some of my favorite fitness, and healthy lifestyle products that I use, and highly recommend below (affiliate links):

Jump ropes:

Pre-workout pill:

Body works ball: Code: Jump

Go 2 Socks (compression socks): Code : go2socksfunNyc15

Detox Tea:

Get samples of the Detox Tea at

Water Bottle and App: Code: BERNADETTEH10

My waist trainer in a bottle:

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