It can be easy to let life pass us by as we age. We can find ourselves in a holding pattern, not truly living our lives as we want. We may feel disconnected from our purpose, passions, and dreams, but hope exists! Taking control of your life and determining your purpose is possible with the proper steps. Let’s look at how understanding the principle of choice, developing a core belief system, and aligning your life with this purpose can help you regain control today.
Understanding the Principle of Choice
The first step in taking control of your life is understanding that you always have a choice. In any situation, there will be an opportunity to make a decision that best serves your interests, needs, and values. This means taking ownership of your decisions and being mindful of your choices at any moment. This also means setting healthy boundaries for yourself and those around you—essential for self-preservation and growth.
Developing an Underlying Principle
Once you understand the power of choice, it’s time to develop an underlying principle or core beliefs that will help guide your actions and decisions. This underlying principle should reflect who you are as an individual—what makes you unique? What do you value most in life? What do you believe to be true? Once these questions are answered, they can serve as a compass to help navigate difficult times or moments when you have lost control over your own life.
Aligning Your Life with Your Purpose
The final step involves aligning your life with this purpose—this will allow you to manifest physical and emotional success. Take some time each day to focus on what matters most to you: what are your goals? What makes you truly happy? How can you prioritize yourself while still caring for the people around you? When we make ourselves a priority in our lives, great things start happening—we become more confident, more fulfilled, and more capable of achieving anything we set our minds to!
Taking control of your life doesn’t have to be overwhelming--you need the proper steps! Start by understanding the principle of choice--that there is always an opportunity for making decisions that best serve your interests, needs, and values. Then develop a set of core beliefs or “underlying principle” which guides all future actions, decisions, and relationships within our world. Finally, once this guiding light has been established within us, we need ways to align our lives with this purpose--allowing us to manifest success physically and emotionally! With these steps, midlife women everywhere can take back control today!
Are you tired of being treated like an outcast or seen as the underdog? The moment you begin to prioritize yourself, your dreams, and the vision you were put onto this earth to accomplish is the exact moment you realize your true power. In Bernadette Henry’s book Jumping The Rope: Move Yourself and Manifest Your Success, she provides readers with practical steps to making progress through the journey of being the underdog. What could only take a few seconds of time and action, most people spend their whole lives waiting inactively on the right moment to take their first jump. In this book, Henry shares personal strategies and tips that have allowed her to be recognized as a global phenomenon in the health and wellness industry. Your presence can either develop an innovation that solves problems around the world or plant seeds of doubt that cripple the calling you’ve been put on earth to accomplish.
In Jumping The Rope: Move Yourself and Manifest Your Success, you will learn proven strategies to redesign your life to construct the dream that you envision. Her story will empower you to persevere beyond your current reality and explore the purpose-filled life that you have been dreaming of.
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